Math-Both classes have been working with decimals lately. In the 3B class, they have been learning how to add and subtract money. Although they may not realize that they are doing it, they are learning decimals! It's not often that the two classes are on a similar topic at the same time! Next week, we will combine for a large group lesson on working with decimals. They also need to all be working on memorizing those multiplication tables at home!
Science- Today, Ms. Gail began class with a discussion on mammals. They discussed adaptions, characteristics, and reproduction of mammals. I love the interest level when it comes it comes to animals, biology, and nature! The kids were all ears. They did an activity where they counted the
Literature- The class began by discussing each answer from the at home comprehension questions. Then, the kids all piled into the "reading room", listening attentively as Ms. Gail read the last few chapters of Where the Red Fern Grows. The feeling of sadness was thick. The only noise that the students made was the occasional turning of pages. As my son said, "This book gives me a lump in the back of my throat." Indeed.
Agriculture- Today was the day that the class has been waiting for: they were given the lyrics to our agricultural education parody song. We have watched many great farming parody videos. They enjoyed "Farm It Maybe", "Farmer Style", and "I'm Farming and I Grow It". They were thrilled at the idea of creating our own agriculture promotion video! I told them to hold on to their hats! They are going to have to dig down and find their inner rock star! It was a fun day of singing and dancing. (Yes, I even sang into a remote control at one point. CRAZY!) We will be working on this super fun project in class, and after class, for the next few weeks!
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