Grammar- In grammar class, we did a review on adverbs. The class reviewed adverbs that tell how, when, where, how often, and to what extent. We worked with adverbs that describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. We also diagrammed examples of each. To further drive home the lesson, we played the game "Funglish". One student is given a noun. He or she has to choose adjectives that describe the noun, placing them onto a board under the adverb that tells "to what extent". The class had a blast guessing the words!
Math- The two classes merged today for one big lesson in decimals! Since the 3B book and the 4B book are both learning about decimals (specifically money in the 3B book), it worked out well to combine them. They learned to multiply single digit numbers by numbers that contained decimals. They learned to count how many decimal places are in the equation to know where to place it in the answer.
Writing- In writing class, I read each student's story out loud. The kids have been so excited to hear the development of each one! After these were fresh in their minds, they used their plot development graphic organizers to write their "resolution" paragraphs. These were edited by the end of the day, handed back, and will be typed up to share!
Spanish- Each student had to take turns showing Ms. Rose their knowledge of Spanish family members. They did a wonderful job with the words that they have been studying! On Tuesday, they will have a test over the material. Today, they finished up their family tree posters, which look wonderful! After they dry, we will hang them around the room!
Social Studies- In social studies, Mr. Dennis taught the class about the growth of American cities up to 1910. They discussed the reasons for the rapid growth following the Civil War. Further, they learned the terms "urban" and "rural". Using a map and chart, the class completed a close activity which reflected what they studied in class.
Standardized Test Prep- Today was a success! We began preparing for standardized testing in May. I started out with an explanation of the test, and why we take it. For those coming from a public school setting, I wanted to explain our reason for testing. It helps the parents to see if their kids understand what was taught this year, and it helps them to plan their lessons for the following year. I explained that, when you homeschool, you may cover topics in science or social studies or other subjects that aren't covered on the test that year. That does not mean that you fail! It just means that you learned different material than what was covered on the test. The kids also learned some test taking strategies. For some kids, this is could be their first time with testing! They learned that it is a timed test, they to color in the circle completely, and not to begin until the proctor instructs them to do so. We talked about the process of elimination, and what to do if they aren't sure of an answer. Finally, the class began with the Language Arts practice section. I told them all that it is actually GREAT if they miss something right now. Why? Because then we just CAUGHT something and can learn it! Today, many of them had a difficult time discerning fiction from non-fiction. In reading a narrative passage, they decided that it was non-fiction because it "could have been true". We spent time discussing the differences between fiction, non-fiction, fables, biographies, and autobiographies. They also reviewed similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and personification. We will work more on this at home, discussing it all further on Tuesday!
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