Math- The 3A math class worked with adding money today. We will be working more on adding and subtracting money over the next few lessons. Similarly, the 4A class learned to add decimals today.
Writing- First off, these narrative writing assignments are getting good! We have been working with a plot development graphic organizer to create easy to follow story lines. The class typed up their edited and revised introduction and "rising action" sections of their papers at home. Today, we read some of these out loud. The "cliff hanger" nature of leaving off before the climax led to hilarious reaction by the kids! They were all so anxious to hear what happens next. It was a great motivator! As the class worked on on their "climax" paragraphs, I went over their typed copies. By learning to save files on the computer, the kids can easily go back, pull up their documents, and work on any changes that need to be made. By the end of the day, I had edited all of their "climax" paragraphs, so that they can type them up at home tomorrow. I can't wait to read them again to the class!
Geography- The class completed a quiz today over the first 20 states, in order of statehood. They found each state on a map. They also wrote the name of the capital for each state. These will be used as a study guide so the kids can focus their attention where it is most needed. We will be adding three more states to the list!
Poetry- Instead of social studies today, the kids recited the poem, "Equipment". I recorded each of their recitations for their newest poetry video. Due to a scanner issue, I was unable to compile the "Afternoon on a Hill" video from last semester. While their peers recited "Equipment", the rest of the class worked on their background image for the already recorded "Afternoon on a Hill" audio.
I explained to the kids that Guest's poem reminded me a lot of the Dr. Seuss book, "Oh The Places You'll Go". I read the book to the class, and they all agreed that there are many similarities! While Guest writes,
"You're well equipped for what fight you choose,
You have legs and arms and a brain to use,"
Suess explains,
“You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
Both poems give encouraging words to inspire young people. Seuss takes it a bit further, as he explains that sometimes, even if you try your best and do the right thing, bad or unfair things will happen. The class and I even discussed that even adults have to be reminded of that lesson!
Art- In art class, Ms. Nancy helped the students continue to work on their 'tropical bird on burlap' stitching project. These are looking fabulous! The kids' hand eye coordination has improved tremendously over the course of the year!
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