Two butterflies emerged today during class! |
Writing- The students brought in their introduction paragraphs for their new narrative writing assignment. We have been working on plot development in class. This assignment will help them to think through the stories that they would like to share on paper, develop a clear plot arc, and then give their reader an entertaining story without getting bogged down or sidetracked along the way! I also took some time to explain to the class the importance of saving their work on the computer. We have been typing our final drafts in writing class. However, this assignment will require pulling up a saved document to change, rearrange, and add to the work they have started. This is a very important lesson for everyone to learn! This lesson is actually more important as the actual writing assignment... and parents will need to help their child create a folder on their home computer. After our lesson on technology and writing, we worked on our "rising action" paragraph in class. Most of the kids finished this paragraph. They spent time sharing these with their neighbors. They will take these home, edit them, revise them, format them, and type them up for Tuesday!
Science- Sometimes, science stinks! The class has been learning about the three classes of fish: Jawless fish, Cartilage fish, and Bony fish. Ms. Gail taught about the anatomy of fish, which the class soaked up like sponges. I actually had a story to tell about fish swim bladders... believe it or not. You see, double tailed goldfish, such as moors, fantails, etc are prone to problems with too much air in their swim bladders. One solution for helping them when they bob to the surface is to feed them a pea. (Yes, a pea.) When that didn't work, and I realized my fish was soon to be a goner, I opted to perform an abdominocentesis on my fish, pulling air out of its swim bladder with a sterile hypodermic needle. Much to my surprise, my first fish surgery was a success. My fish was sinking back into the water, happy as a clam. After discussing the topic of fish, the group gathered around while she demonstrated a fish dissection! They were a little grossed out, but not more than they were interested and excited about seeing the anatomy up close!
Literature- Ms. Gail began literature class with a review of their comprehension questions over the last few chapters. Then, they continued to read "Where the Red Fern Grows." According to one of the kids, the book is "really getting intense!" I love to see these students getting so excited over the classics!
Agriculture- The Fayette County Farm Bureau Women's Committee visited class today to talk to us about soybeans! They discussed properties of and uses for soy. Then, the class made their own soy lip balm! This was an awesome crossover activity for this lesson and the last, as the lip balm was made of both soy and beeswax! Perfect! They added a little peppermint oil to give the balm a yummy smell. The class even designed their own labels. Thank you so much to the Women's Committee for sharing this activity with us!
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