Spelling- We have been working on a big review lesson for the past week and a half. The students have had to recall vocabulary words from all 24 lists, matching them with their meanings. Although some were easy to remember, there were others that stumped them. They placed stars beside all of the words that they need to work on at home. This will be their customized review list for Friday and Monday's at home lesson.
Math- Today was my last day to fill in for Ms. Jennifer, who is in the Philippines. We reviewed adding, subtracting, and multiplying numbers that include decimals. The trickiest part of this lesson was for the kids to remember to "line up" the decimals to add or subtract, but not to multiply. I explained why, by showing them what happens when you multiply a number that includes a fractions (for example, 4.24) by another number with a decimal (.5). They were able to see the reason behind counting how many decimal places to place the decimal in your answer.

Writing- In writing class, we discussed the differences between statements of fact and those of opinion. It is sometimes difficult to point out an opinion as an opinion when you agree with it! We also reviewed the difference between fictional and non-fictional writing which was a difficult concept in Tuesday's standardized test prep class. The students were given different magazines. They had to find a sentence that stated a fact and one that gave an opinion. The kids shared these with the class. Then, they each found an article that was non-fiction and one that was fiction. By reading and discussing these out loud, it helped drive the concept home! We will be recognizing each one of these in online activities over the next couple days. We will also be using fact and opinion as we learn how to write persuasive papers.

Science- Today's topic: Birds. Ms. Gail taught about the different types of birds, their characteristics, and their adaptations. To demonstrate the insulating properties of feathers, the class passed around a baggie of ice. They held the baggie in their bare hands, feeling the intense cold. Then, they held a baggie of feathers under the baggie of ice. The cold was kept from their hands by the layer of feathers. The class then headed over to the tables to look at different types of feathers, and even a bird skull. They used what they have learned about bird features to finally determine that the skull was that of an owl. They "flapped" an owl feather, which made no noise against the air. Then, they flapped a hawk feather. The hawk feather was much louder. The classed determined that the owl, being a nocturnal predator, must rely on silence. The hawk, however, has more need for speed. The hawk's speed makes the silence less important! THEN, the class discussed the effects that oil spills have on wildlife, namely birds. They took feathers that had been soiled with oil (to simulate an oil spill) and made observations. Then, they washed them off in soapy water (Dawn). They felt the difference of the nice clean feathers. Once they dried, they fluffed right back up!
The kids will be completing their lesson on birds at home, as they finish the sheets that they did not complete in class.
Literature- In literature class, Ms. Gail had each student come up and share their projects for "Where the Red Fern Grows". There were some amazing papers on the ethical issues of fur trapping, posters and models of humane animal traps, and excellent papers on different Cherokee legends. Afterward, the class made their way outdoors for an opening lesson for "The Secret Garden". Ms. Gail helped the students to plant flower seeds, which will line the window of our "reading room". As we make our way through the book, these seeds should sprout and grow! Finally, the class began reading their new book. They read the first three chapters today, and will read chapters 4-9 before next week's class.
Social Studies- Mr. Dennis taught the class about the growth of industry, the Muckrakers, and the Reform Act. They read and discussed workplace safety, as well as the struggles for racial and gender equality. They are adding terms such as suffrage, reform, and muckraker to their vocabulary. These will pop up on next week's spelling & vocab list! At home, they will be reading more on their period of time, as well as watching a few videos on the Progressive Era.
Agriculture- Today, the students were given their parts for the big agricultural promotion video project! I must say, they sounded GREAT! We will be practicing the vocals for a while.. and then we will film video as we continue our lessons with the goats, chickens, garden, and more!
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