Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday, 1/9/18

Today was an interesting day! Here are some highlights!

Our processor only offers USDA inspections on Tuesdays, so Ms. Hilary ran the show while I drove the steer all the way to Montezuma this morning. During agriculture time, we talked about humane management of livestock for meat. We talked about the high regard and respect that the Native Americans paid to the animals that they hunted and killed, and how important it is to give animals the best life, and death, that it can possibly have. Then, the class helped me move the fencing so that the lamancha goats and Delilah the donkey could enjoy the extra space!

The big Oregon Trail game was a hit! The class learned how difficult the trek was across the country! Last week, each student was given their family size, occupation, and family budget. Today, they purchased the items they would need on their journey. It was just like the computer game, only on paper!  Ms. Hilary led the class through the game using PowerPoint presentation. Did you buy a cow? If so _____. Did you buy a gun? If not __________. Step by step, they suffered different consequences and cheered when luck on the trail was on their side! In my opinion, my favorite part was that the class needed to work through math problems along the way. They each brought in calculators, and had to use them to keep up with their budget throughout the game. Many of the kids learned how to add and subtract using decimals for the first time today!

In art, Ms. Nancy began a new project with the kids.  They first placed pieces of masking tape across their paper.  Then, they used two colors, and they swirled and faded them together over the entire page.  Next, the used gold and silver acrylic paint and different items to create a few circles and shapes.  These will be left to dry, and they will get back to them next week!  Next, the class began painting Kindness Rocks.  Again, these will need to dry before they can be completed!

Thank goodness the sun was out and the weather was warmer!  It was awesome to get outside again!

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