Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gobble Gobble!

We are off next week for Thanksgiving break, so today's agriculture/health lesson was all about turkeys!   The kids learned different characteristics of male and female turkeys, including the caruncles, snood, wattle, and beard.  We talked about how male turkeys strut and fan... and then we were lucky enough to see our tom put on a show for us!  The kids had a great time studying the physical and behavioral traits of the turkeys.  They heard the different calls (males gobble and females cluck).  In addition, they all helped with our morning farm chores!

We incorporated a health lesson by discussing food safety.  Thanksgiving has a high rate of food poisoning cases.  They will be checking the homework site for websites with more information on how to stay safe during holiday feasts!

In Spanish class, the kids discussed their Thanksgiving meals, using the terms that they wrote on notecards for the at-home assignment.  They reviewed previous material through song and games.  Using their "fortune tellers" and mini-books from last week, they went over terms and phrases.  Each student will be working on memorizing a short Spanish poem for when we return after the break. The class finished up with a BINGO review game.  I love the low stress and interactive environment that Ms. Cindy creates!

In art class, the kids are beginning a series of Christmas crafts.  You won't get a lot of details about them, though!  :)

Today was the Jeopardy review game in social studies!  The teams chose categories and point values, answering in the form of a question.  They had a great review!  The kids took home their test, which will be an open note / open book test.  These are to be returned on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Love your pictures and blog! You do such a great job!! And I love being a part of this group!
