Our last day was a great one! The class had a special treat. The Southern Crescent Storytellers came and the kids had their very own storytelling workshop! They learned important skills for public speaking, tips for telling a great story, and even practiced with some improv. It only took a little time for them to warm up, and in no time they were using their new skills! The class told a couple guided stories with Ms. Anne and Mr. Neil, learned about story-boarding, and were so enjoying the workshop that they asked to take turns sharing their own stories! After the session, the children "graduated", receiving a storytelling diploma, as well as a book of stories and fables. It was a great experience!
Finally, the students finished sharing their persuasive essays on the Bill of Rights. Again, I have asked a lot of these kids... and they have risen to the challenge! Over the past three years, Ms. Sharon, Ms. Bev, and I have lead these students through the writing process. In the beginning, writing was so stressful for them. They were unsure of their writing voice, and they shed tears over it! Over the last three months, they have demonstrated their progress in narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive writing. I could not be more proud of them! Good job, guys!
Next year will be different, but I know that the strong bonds formed in the past few years are firmly planted! As each child makes their way through the next journey in their education, I want each one of them to take with them the confidence, kindness, strength, and motivation that I have seen them exhibit in class with me.
“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
― Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You'll Go!
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