Today's science class brought together some of the students' past assignments (drawings of an ocean and a marsh environment) to create a single, double sided art project. The class reviewed their assignments from home, discussing concepts that were introduced last week.
In literature, the students completed the book, "The Outsiders". They discussed the book, and then took a look at a list of the 10 books that they completed this year in literature class. Ms. Gail had the students talk about which books they liked best, and why. Hands down, the book "Wonder" was at the top of everyone's list. This group of kids are reading well above grade level, and have done an amazing job! On our last day of literature class, I have organized for a special treat! The Southern Crescent Storytellers will be coming out and giving an interactive storytelling workshop to the class. This will be on May 22nd.
As a fun review, the class played some science and language arts related games. Teams competed against each other in a Trivial Pursuit type game, and they also played a shark game in science. Next week, the class will be celebrating the completion of a full year of oceanography! Ms. Gail will be hosting a "seafood" party, with lots of ocean-themed snacks and fun!
In social studies, the class worked on their Civil Rights poster projects. We talked about the difference between studying and truly learning about a topic and simply Googling key points and adding them to a poster. They were given a huge stack of library books based on each of the Civil Right leaders that they chose, and they read, read, read! I am trying to encourage the desire to learn for the sake of learning, rather than just to complete an assignment. These things have to be taught!
In grammar/writing, we went over the students' at home assignments. We also went over tests and papers from last week. I am basing their at home review assignments (from the More Practice section) on any problems they are having on the in class assessments. This way, we are not wasting time reviewing concepts that have been mastered! The kids are continuing to work on their final essay, which is a persuasive paper. These will be turned in on the last week of class. I have been so very impressed with their papers so far! It is one thing to see them do well as we slowly make our way through the lessons, but it is another thing to see them use their retained knowledge from the past few years and apply it in their essays!
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