Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Vaqueros with Sombreros

Spelling & Handwriting- We went over the pronunciation and meanings of each word in this week's list, complete with "ominous" stories about "writhing" snakes.

Math- The 3A class moved from their multiplication and division lessons and onto graphing.  They worked on an individual graphing assignment.  The 4A class worked today on finding the perimeter and area of shapes.  Ms. Jennifer set this formula in motion, as they grabbed rulers and tape measures to calculate the area and perimeter of different classroom objects... including our deck!  They will be working on these concepts more at home, but I guarantee having to physically measure the sides and work together to discover the answers will help to set these ideas to memory!

Writing- Ms. Bev looked at each student's at home assignment on narrative writing.  To help guide them, Ms. Bev had given them a narrative "outline".  Basically, it is a formula to help them create a story with each of the given elements.  Does all narrative writing follow a formula, an order, or a certain format?  No.  But, this is an exercise to help them see a process to writing.  In the end, they will have presented the thoughts that were in their head in a written form that they would not have otherwise come up with on their own.  Some subjects are based on concrete facts.  For writing (like math, actually), you can be given tools in which to call upon when the need arises.  Ms. Bev is giving them a mental writing toolbox of goodies to help expand their comfort and ability with the pen.

Grammar-  Today, we continued our lesson on prepositional phrases.  However, instead of discussing adjective phrases, we looked at adverb phrases that describe verbs.  We have been diagramming prepositional phrases since we returned from Christmas break.  The students are really getting comfortable with recognizing prepositions, objects of the preposition, and prepositional phrases.  They are showing a constant improvement with recognizing what the prepositional phrases is describing, and diagramming it under the correct word.  All of those grammar definitions that they have memorized come in handy as we move to more difficult topics.  For instance, the fact that they know that adverbs tell "how, when, where, how often, and to what extent" makes figuring out the adverb phrase much easier!

Spanish- In Spanish class today, Ms. Rose worked with the children on their sentence structure, as they verbally shared their descriptions of the weather.  They had to write sentences for weather during different seasons, as well.  Ms. Rose has also been working with the students on spelling and pronunciation, using their knowledge of the Spanish alphabet.  Finally, the class worked, independently, on a review quiz.

Social Studies-  Mr. Dennis gave the kids a short "quiz" over their at home lesson on Cattle Ranchers.  They then learned all about Mexican Vaqueros.  I'm not sure if they were pronouncing any of it correctly, but they learned about clothing used by the Vaqueros: sombreros, kerchiefs, sarapes, and more!

Art-  Ms. Nancy led the class through their tropical fish project.  They sketched out the fish of their choice.  Then, they took their project from last week (the painting covered in India ink) and placed it under their sketch.  They then traced their sketched, bearing down hard through the layers.  The result was an outline of their fish drawings, through the India ink, showing the colors below!  They worked to scratch off the India ink with a large nail, creating a beautiful look!

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