Spelling- I introduced the class to list 18 today. It's a fairly difficult vocabulary list, but it incorporates many words that will be learned in science and literature class this week!
Handwriting- During first semester, we took things slow, working through the alphabet letter by letter. As we begin our second semester, the structure of our spelling class will change. Those in the "C" handwriting book will be working on applying their cursive skills to their spelling lists. Those in the "T" handwriting book will be working on perfecting their cursive skills with in class lessons from the workbook. The "C" class will no longer need to bring their books to class.
Math- Ms. Jennifer worked with the 3A group on multiplication and division by 9. They have been adding to their math journal as they work. The 4A class discussed solid shapes today. They earned the names for many different 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes. Ms. Jennifer brought in examples of each shape, formed from card stock. The class passed around the objects, naming them properly.
Writing- Ms. Bev taught the class about synonyms and antonyms today. After their discussion, each student was given two words. They had to come up with synonyms for those words, using the thesaurus. They had to use those alphabetical order skills to do so! Each student chose a synonym for the words on their card. Once everyone had finished, Ms. Bev used their synonyms to come up with a new (hilarious) version of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star!
Spanish- In Spanish class, Ms. Rose discussed the similarities between Spanish, Italian, and French. They reviewed common Spanish phrases. As they did, she wrote the Italian and French translations on the board to illustrate their likeness. Now that the students are more comfortable speaking out in class with their Spanish words, Ms. Rose had them translate some sentences, as a group. They created little booklets of classroom items. Today was a great review day after a nice long break!
Social Studies- Mr. Dennis went over the material that the students read on The Great Plains, as well as their map activity from yesterday's at home assignment. They learned about dust storms, farming, the use of sod, and the Homestead Act. The class then worked in small groups to complete an written activity based on their reading.
Art- In art class, Ms. Nancy taught the students about the work of Paul Klee. They learned about his abstract style of art. Specifically, they talked about his painting, Senecio. The students then worked on their own versions of Paul Klee's work. After they completed their projects, some students needed to continue to work on their Civil War era puppet project. It was definitely a packed day in art!
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