Grammar- In grammar today, the class learned first about conjunctions. Then, we learned how to diagram sentences with compound subjects and compound predicates. They were a little confused at first, as they confused "compound subjects" with "complete subjects". I think we cleared up the confusion, but you may want to address this at home! By the end of class, the students were diagramming sentences with complete subjects and complete predicates. Finally, they diagrammed compound sentences, which are two small sentences that are connected by a conjunction. (Cats meow but dogs bark.) It was great to see how the new diagrams just "make sense" to them!
Math- The 4A math class has been working on some very complicated problems with area and perimeter! They continued to work those brains (I actually think I saw steam coming out of some ears) as they practiced with more problems. In the 3A class, Ms. Jennifer taught more on meters and centimeters. They worked through problems involving the addition and subtraction of measurements.
Science- Ms. Gail had the microscopes out and ready to go as the class took a look at live protozoa! They watched for different types of organisms, which they were able to discern the different types with help from their illustrated charts. The class then reviewed and corrected their at home assignments over chapters 6 and 7. Ms. Gail discussed with them the classification of organisms and began working on next week's material as they took turns returning to the microscope!
Literature- It was a very exciting day today! The author of our literature book, "A Chord of Three Strands", visited our class today! Holly Moulder discussed the book with these highly enthusiastic crowd of fans. This was a work of historical fiction. Holly discussed the parts of the book that were fiction, prompting many great questions! The reading comprehension, as well as the retention of the details of the book, was just amazing. Multiple children were asking about specific lines in the book, quoting them without even cracking it open. They loved being able to interact with the real live author of the book they just read! Holly brought in a coin, the same type that was thrown to the oracle in the book. She also brought in a atlatl, which was a Native American weapon. Needless to say, the class was in awe. I could go on and on about what was discussed, but what was most important to me was the enthusiasm for learning that these kids displayed. As Ms. Gail pointed out to me, they have all come such a long way since August! Although they were all very excited to speak, they raised their hands, waited their turn, and were a shining example of the values of our program. I have to say, I was beaming with pride! We love these kids and are so thrilled with their growth!
Social Studies- Mr. Dennis discussed the reading assignment material: The war on the Plains Indians. They the different battles of Sand Creek, Little Big Horn, and Wounded Knee. Finally, they completed a comprehension exercise over the material. Again, these reading comprehension exercises are not easy! However, they help to propel these kids not just in social studies, but across the board with all reading!
Agriculture- The class continued their adventure with "The Life of Fred". Much to the surprise of no one in the class, Fred's beekeeping business flopped. We calculated up how many jars of honey he would have to sell at $3 to repay his initial investment. He would have to sell 412 jars just to break even! The class and I discussed the pros and cons of running a small business. Fred's plan flopped because it failed to give good answers to the three questions for success:
- Why are you choosing this particular business?
- Does it make financial sense?
- Are there any obvious drawbacks?