We had a great time at Inman Farm Heritage Days! All of our animals were raffled off, and we earned $185 towards our field trip fund! It was a beautiful weekend and I am so glad we were able to share our community with each of you!
Spelling- We went over our new list today. There were a few terms that the students could not define. We cracked open the dictionaries and looked them up! This list contains a good number of suffixes and root words. Although we discussed these in class, parents might want to specifically point these out, as well. By the way, the password is spelling word #11!
Handwriting- We practiced writing the cursive letter K today. Although the uppercase K was pretty simply for the class, the lower case k was a bit more tricky. It was even a little tricky for those who weren't learning it for the first time! The students worked on focusing, slowing down, and making their pencil go exactly where they wanted it to go. Handwriting can improve so much when we just slow down and think! For those just learning cursive, they will need to work on each letter at home, as well as in class. This is the only way they will be able to be writing cursive border sheets by the end of the year! Twice a week in class is simply not enough!
Grammar- After reviewing their work from yesterday's at home lesson, the class showed what they know about adjectives. We have been working through each type of adjective: those that tell what kind, which one, how many, and whose. Today, we verbally gave examples of each type, using them as we completed lesson 15 in our workbooks. When it came time to discuss adjectives that tell "whose", the students had to be able to tell me whether or not the word was singular or plural. For instance, book's is singular, but books' is plural. Finally, we learned another proofreader's mark: adding an apostrophe.
Math- Last week, the 3A class worked on their times tables. They discussed the 1's, and Ms. Jennifer introduced them to a long term project that they will be working on. Ms. Jennifer brought in a chart. Each student will be saying their multiplication tables, one per week and in consecutive order. If they are able to say them in 30 seconds or less, they are able to put a star on their multiplication chart! The next week, they will work on the next number and try to gain another star in class. Today, the class completed their 2's. In addition, the 3A class also worked on addition problems which require carrying over. This is something that takes practice to commit to memory!
The 4A class also worked on their multiplication activity. Each student worked on their 2's today, but it is important to note that it is not a competition. Each student is trying to complete their own chart! The class completed a worksheet on multiplication. The, Ms. Jennifer taught them how to use the bar illustration (showing the part/whole model) for math equations with multiple expressions. For instance, this is a way to illustrate the math problem 11 + 6 - 7 = ?
Writing- In writing class today, the students worked on their 3rd body paragraph for their big "beach paper"! They used their graphic organizers to focus their thoughts. They even sat, eyes closed, and spent some pre-writing time just thinking about what they wanted to say. Each student finished writing their paragraphs in class. I will give these back on Thursdays, and they will make corrections and add these paragraphs to their finals drafts at home. I am so thrilled with how well these are turning out. They will definitely be spending time, at the end of this project, sharing them! Positive feedback is an amazing force!
Spanish- Ms. Rose had these kids working today! They have been working on learning the Spanish names for classroom objects at home. Ms. Rose is taking the terms that they are learning, and teaching the class how to compose complete sentences in Spanish. After an oral review, the class worked on writing about the weather. Each child wrote "Hoy el tiemp es..." and then completed the sentence with a different weather description. Soon, they will be learning the Spanish names for clothing that can be worn in each different type of weather!
Social Studies- Mr. Dennis taught the class about John Brown and the Harper's Ferry Raid today. They read about the raid, using what they learned to complete a crossword review. Tomorrow, they will be finishing up their cereal box projects. We cannot wait to see their displays in class on Thursday!
Art- It was Papier-mâché day today! Ms. Nancy taught the class about armatures for sculptures. Then, they created armatures out of newspaper, masking tape, and a paper towel role. This project will integrate what they have been studying in social studies class. They will be using what they know about the historical figures from their cereal box projects to sculpt him or her from Papier-mâché! It's a messy process, but a fun one!
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