In handwriting today, both classes learned (or perfected) the cursive D. As we learn and focus on the proper formation of each letter, we are trying to work on understanding how to create the letter before we pick up the pencil. Sometimes, we write the letter, slowly and in unison, with our fingers in the sky. This is so, when we do write them down, we have a better chance of writing it correctly... preventing bad handwriting habits. For those who already know cursive letters, this is a great way to take some time to be sure the letters they write are the best they can be.
Grammar- After reviewing our work from yesterday's video lesson, the class had a big day of new concepts! They learned about verb conjugation and infinitives. In order to conjugate verbs, they also had to learn about first, second, and third person. This was the first lesson of purely new material... and it was new for each and every one of them! They all know that, when we speak, we naturally change the verb as we change from speaking in first person to third person, but they had never really thought about it before! I taught them that, although typically you add an "s" to a noun to make it plural, third person singular verbs often are given an "s". For instance, you would say "They run.", which is third person plural. However, you would say "Sally runs". This is third person singular, and the present tense verb "run" is given an "s". We will be working with this much more in future lessons!
Literature- After reviewing the comprehension questions for chapters 9 and 10, Ms. Gail taught the class about idioms, hyperboles, similes, metaphors, and personification. They went through the book, pointing out examples of each. We will be working on incorporating these into our beach papers in writing class! Finally, the class finished reading the book. This was a very emotional book. In the book, one of the characters says that it's not right for kids of a certain age to cry. Ms. Gail took time to explain that this isn't true at all. They discussed that it is perfectly natural to cry when very sad things happen, whether you are a girl, a boy, a child, or an adult!
Mr. Dennis directed the class through map and graph activities on the North and the South. They used maps and keys to answer questions, which is exactly the type of information processing that will be expected of them on standardized testing that they will be taking in the spring. Throughout the entire year in social studies class, Mr. Dennis will be working on such activities, as well as reading comprehension exercises. All of these skills are skills that will be required of them throughout their education!
The drama class worked so hard today! They made it through at least five scenes of The Polar Express. I am absolutely amazed at how well they have each been studying their lines! It is only September. I cannot wait to see what they do in the upcoming months!
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