Handwriting- In handwriting today, we focused on learning the correct form of the cursive "I" and "O". The kids will be working more on these at home, as needed!
Grammar- I think these kids love video lessons! They all did an excellent job with the lesson, as well as the dictation exercise. We went through the work from yesterday. We also reviewed all of those rules for turning singular nouns into plurals. At home, they will each be working on practice with these skills.
Math- In math, Ms. Jennifer taught the 4A group some strategies for mental math. In order to keep from getting bogged down with multiplication, each student will be working on memorizing their multiplication tables. For class on Thursday, they were each given a different multiplication table to memorize! The 3A group worked on reviewing place value. After a review lesson, the kids reviewed with multicolored cards for 10, 100, 1000, and so on.
Spanish- Ms. Rose worked with the children on the Spanish alphabet today. They went over each letter... and they learned that the Spanish alphabet has more letters than ours! I wish I had recorded them all rolling their r's. It was pretty hilarious! The class will be working more on the Spanish alphabet, at home. Before we know it, they will be writing Spanish words!
Social Studies- Mr. Dennis taught the class about abolitionists and the Underground Railroad. They used their reading to complete a crossword puzzle on the key terms. As the kids do their at home assignments, be sure to have them think about the person that they would like to focus on for their cereal box display project!
Art- Ms. Nancy taught the students three key words today: repetition, intense, and pattern. They each drew a circle, and then used curved lines to create a 3D sphere. Using only 3 colors, the students created a pattern and filled in their sphere. These projects are going to look AMAZING!
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