Grammar- The class continued their review of common and proper nouns. Although capitalization rules are something the students already knew, always remembering to put them into practice can be difficult! I am going to work on constantly correcting capitalization in all of my classes. Consistency will hopefully help these rules to stick!
Math- Ms. Jennifer taught our 3A group about rounding today. The students were given place value cards and needed to put them in order to equal the value given. The students also took turns drawing names and asking each other questions about rounding. They each took turns choosing names and asking questions... Keeping it fun! In the 4A class, Ms. Jennifer gave a lesson on division. The 4A students had already studied division, so Ms. Jennifer was able to take what they know, and take it from there! She demonstrated division of large numbers, such as 10,000, by chopping 0's off of the end. After their lecture, the students hit the yard for a Math Scavenger Hunt. The students found clues. Some of the clues required them to go find Ms. Jennifer in order to answer a math question. Then, she gave them the next clue. Unfortunately, there ended up being an issue where the clues were all snatched up by one person... but it had great potential!
Science- Ms. Gail and I were so impressed with the class' retention of their reading from yesterday! They began class by showing off their chemistry knowledge with a review game. Then, each student showed off their amazing element projects! We learned a lot about the elements that were chosen. Each and every one of them did such an awesome job! After we hung their projects, Ms. Gail lead the class through the experiment #2 in their lab books. They made molecules using marshmallows and toothpicks. They made oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, methane, and methanol molecules. It was a little sticky, but worth it! They children had to document the activity in their lab books. This will help them learn to work through experiments in a slower, more deliberate way.
Social Studies- Mr. Dennis taught the students more about abolitionists and the Underground Railroad. They talked about specific people that helped the slaves to escape slavery and become free! They reviewed the Webquest activity, talking about the paths they chose. Then, the kids worked on crossword for different abolitionists. It was fun to watch them realize they didn't have the same crossword puzzle as their neighbor!
The class learned about the different coops at our farm. We even saw a chicken actively lay an egg! We have a breeding coop for lavender orpingtons (where Goliath, the world's meanest rooster lives!), and we have a coop of blue copper and splash marans. The students learned that breeding our maran chickens involves math! When you breed a splash maran to a blue copper maran, there is a 50% chance the egg will give up a splash maran chick and a 50% chance that it will be a blue copper maran chick. When you breed two blue copper marans, you will get 50% blue copper marans, 25% splash copper marans and 25% black copper marans. We are hoping for more splash marans, so we chose our 2 splash hens and 1 blue copper maran hen to breed with our gorgeous blue copper maran rooster.

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