Winnie, snoozing in her food bowl. |
Spelling- This list is not a difficult one, but there are some words that require some extra assistance. We went over the list, discussing the meanings of the words and their correlation with Easter.
Poetry- It's the first day of spring! The kids shared the poems that they wrote about springtime. This is the first time that we have written a poem like this, and I loved hearing them! Most of all, I loved how comfortable each child is within this group. They are not just comfortable getting up and sharing their poetry, they are excited to do it! Why? Because it is a small group that gives support, love, and respect for each other. If this is “sheltered” or “unsocialized”, then that is exactly what I want my children to be!
Reading- The class read on in their “Hamlet for Kids” books. We ended with Prince Hamlet speaking with the ghost of his father, who informed him that he was actually murdered. The children left off with Prince Hamlet forming a plot to avenge his father's death. “Murder most foul!” The kids continued their summaries of the story... writing page after page their own rhyming versions of Hamlet. The mental block that most of our class had for writing at the beginning of the school year has slowly melted away!
Social Studies- Today's lesson was on the siege at Yorktown. We are slowly making our way to the end of our unit on the American Revolution! We will be adding the information from the last few lessons to the American Revolution time-lines that we are working on at home. We will bring them in the day before Spring Break!
Music- Mrs. Beresford worked with the children on their musical flashcards today, preparing them for a test over the material they have been working on. They also were given a new song to work on, “I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy”.
I have mentioned this in the past, but today presented another example. I love how these kids are able to let their collective imaginations fly during the non-instructive times at our little school house. Today, after class was over, all five kids were in a buzz. Somehow, they got onto the topic of "blogs". They decided that it would be awesome if each one could write about the things they love to do so that the other four could read all about it... all the time. This was the point that everyone burst at the seems with excitement. They asked for clipboards... paper... their pencils and mouths were flying and their heads were spinning with ideas. One wanted a Lego blog, one wanted one just for any kind of creations, one wanted a blog to discuss the armies that he makes on his bedroom floor. All at once, they were BEGGING to go home. Quickly. So they could WRITE. I really cannot make this stuff up. I am not quite sure how, but we have been blessed with an atmosphere of free-range learning. And, it is priceless to me.
I have mentioned this in the past, but today presented another example. I love how these kids are able to let their collective imaginations fly during the non-instructive times at our little school house. Today, after class was over, all five kids were in a buzz. Somehow, they got onto the topic of "blogs". They decided that it would be awesome if each one could write about the things they love to do so that the other four could read all about it... all the time. This was the point that everyone burst at the seems with excitement. They asked for clipboards... paper... their pencils and mouths were flying and their heads were spinning with ideas. One wanted a Lego blog, one wanted one just for any kind of creations, one wanted a blog to discuss the armies that he makes on his bedroom floor. All at once, they were BEGGING to go home. Quickly. So they could WRITE. I really cannot make this stuff up. I am not quite sure how, but we have been blessed with an atmosphere of free-range learning. And, it is priceless to me.
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