Spelling- Today was the introduction of list 26. I love the fact that the class BEGGED to write a story using the words from the list! Seriously... what group of children asks for extra spelling work and writing?!
Grammar- Hilarity! Today, the kids got to see why the comma in a direct address is so important. You see, there is a big difference between “I want to eat, grandma” and “I want to eat grandma”! The point was not missed... and we had to go through many scenarios where taking out the comma turns the person in the direct address into the direct object! “The snail slimed, Alex” and “The snail slimed Alex” was a big hit. There's nothing that says “success” like being able to make grammar fun!
Reading- The children received their “Hamlet for Kids” books today. We will begin our unit on Hamlet on Thursday!
Math- Today was a review in mental multiplication, as the students multiplied two digit numbers by a single digit number, using a deck of cards. Cards, dice, or even just numbers written on an index card make the act of multiplying fun!
Social Studies- We have been studying the Declaration of Independence in Social Studies. Today, the class discussed the writing of the documents and the grievances listed. We broke some of them down into “polital” grievances and “economic” ones. The kids learned of actions that the colonies took before the Declaration of Independence, such as the formation of a post office and their own an army. They will be taking information from today's lesson and applying it to their American Revolution timelines, at home!
Writing- During writing class, we went over our stories for art, polishing anything that needed polishing and finishing anything that needed to be finished!
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