Thursday, March 29, 2012
Sodium, Circumference, Syllables... and Spring Break!
'Twas the day before break, and the kids were excited!
We had a great, fun, day today! The day began with Ms. Joanne's last day of Spanish class. The kids read their Caperucita Roja stories. At home, they wrote their own endings to the "Little Red Riding Hood story... replacing as many words as they could with Spanish ones. Ms. Joanne and I were so impressed! They did a fabulous job with their final assignment!
Spelling- After a review of the difficult words from this week's list, the students closed their books and took to the yard! They had to search for Easter eggs! In each egg was a single syllable. They had to find all of the eggs, open them up, and help each other put the syllables together to make their spelling words. Egg-cellent!
Grammar- Although we have discussed compound direct objects, we have not discussed how to diagram compound subjects... until today! The students showed off their knowledge of conjunctions as they pointed out the multiple subjects in the sentences. Then, we learned to diagram them.
Reading/Writing- We continue to plug along in our Hamlet for Kids unit! The class write diligently on their Hamlet summary proses. We are leaving these at school over the break, and will bring them back out, dust them off, and will keep adding to our summaries when we get back!
Math- 'Round and 'round we go! Tomorrow's lesson in Teaching Textbooks involves the diameter, radius, and circumference of a circle. So, each of these were introduced in class today. In order to illustrate circumference, we took yarn and wrapped it around a paper plate. We cut it to fit. Then, we straightened the yarn, measuring it to find the circumference. We also used yarn to show the radius and diameter of circles. After giving the students the radius and having them tell me the diameter (and vice versa), I realized that this is one of those lessons that we can completely take off with. They had easily mastered the concept from the lesson... and so... we took it further! I introduced these super bright children to the concept of pi. As soon as I introduced the term, a hand flew into the air. "It was pi day not long ago! What is that?" Awesome! I explained that pi is just a number, a long number, that we simplify to 3.14. People sometimes refer to March 14th as "pi day", which made the number really stick in their minds! We used pi to calculate the circumference of a circle. They already knew how to multiply the radius by 2 to get the diameter, so I didn't confuse them with a scary looking formula. Instead, I explained that pi is a "magic number" that can tell us the circumference of a circle. All you have to do is multiply the diameter by pi, or 3.14. They knew, already, that if they were only given the radius, then they would need to multiply that by 2 to get the diameter before they could figure it out! You would think that this concept would be over the heads of 7 and 8 year olds. However, they accepted it for what it was... a concrete, magic number that finds the circumference of a circle.
Before lunch, I read the students the Easter Story. After reading the story, we made Resurrection Rolls. To make the rolls, we dipped a marshmallow into melted butter. Then, we rolled it in cinnamon and sugar. This symbolized the preparing of Jesus' body. The marshmallow was then wrapped in a croissant roll, which symbolized the tomb. We put them into the oven and ate our lunch. After lunch, we pulled them out and, amazingly enough, the tomb was EMPTY! I have heard of this activity, but had never done it until today. Not only was it a great lesson, it was super yummy!
Social Studies- The kids continued their lessons on the Articles of Confederation, with a skit (that is so much more fun if you use big deep "grown up" hoity-toity voices!). Then, they showed off the long-term projects that they have been working on at home.... Timelines over the American Revolution! The kids did a fabulous job with these! They added to their time line with each lesson learned. Then, they illustrated it. They loved seeing each other's hard work! They are now up on the wall, for all to see!
Science- You know the surprise you feel when you have something planned for your kids that you didn't necessarily think was exciting... and they actually end up really enjoying it?? Well, this is how I felt today! Although our activity for science was hands on and fun, all of the children begged for more and more reading and lecture! The topic? Atoms and molecules. They loved the idea that atoms have to follow rules: that different types of atoms can only bond with a certain number of other atoms. I drew a parallel to fantasy video games, or Lego Ninjago, or those Japanese trading card games that I can never pronounce... where the characters have different battle points, or a set of values that it has to stick to. After we learned about atoms and molecules, we used different colors of cheese to represent oxygen, hydrogen, and sodium... and used pretzel sticks to represent the bonds that each can hold. Then, we created molecules, such as water, salt, and hydrogen peroxide! The kids decided that they would be atoms, link arms, and form a classroom molecule for themselves!
And now, we are off to enjoy a well deserved Spring Break!! Be safe, have fun, and we'll see you back in class on April 10th!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Seeds, Straws, and Shakespeare
After the pledge, the kids took turns reading their "Pot of Gold" stories. The imaginations on these guys is just unreal! They all pay such close attention to each others' papers... and give such supportive feedback. No wonder they all started loving to write!
Spelling- We spent some time today going over this list, as it seems harder than last week! We discussed the special sounds found in the words, as the "rule breakers". Afterward, we worked more on those pesky cursive "o"s and "a"s, as well as "u" and "v" as we wrote some of the harder words in cursive. My favorite sentence of the day was, "We lose a numerous amount of pencils in our classroom!" So true, so true.
Grammar- Today was a review of contractions, as well as commas in a series. The kids learned a new contraction today. They were amazed that each time they use the word "let's", they are actually meaning "let us". How funny it was for them to catch themselves all day and restate their sentences. "Hey guys, let us go outside and play!"
Math- The class learned a new term today: congruent. We discussed congruent and similar shapes. After completing a worksheet to put the meaning to memory, we got out straws, scissors, and a ruler. I showed the class how the lengths of a triangle's sides determine the angles. For instance, they each cut two piece of 5" straw, two that were 8", and two that were 11". Then, they created two congruent triangles. We measured each of the angles using a protractor. Then, the students chose any two straws and created a 60 degree angle. I showed them that the missing side could only be a certain length in order to work! They measured to find out how long the missing side needed to be. By manipulating the straws, they were able to visually see how increasing the angle increased the length of the missing side. Although it was NOT in my plans, we also took it a step further, learning that the sum of all angles in a triangle always equals 180 degrees. It was like MAGIC!
Agricultural Ed.- After math, we took a walk over to the garden, where we sat on the back of a trailer and planted vegetable seeds! We recycled egg cartons and used them as seed trays. Each child had a different vegetable to plant, and they had to read the back of the package to figure out the depth to plant the seed. We discussed the differences among the seed depths, as well as differences in harvest times. The trays look great! Hopefully, they will grow big and strong and we can transfer them into the garden! Afterward, we sat under a tree and ate a picnic lunch. It was gorgeous outside, and it felt great to be out soaking it up!
Social Studies- The kids reviewed what they read about the Articles of Confederation. They then did an activity separating the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. It's funny how cutting the material into strips of colored paper makes a learning experience way more exciting!
Reading/Writing- We reread part of our Hamlet for Kids book today. I'm telling you.... These kids are eating. this. up. The fact that they are so enthralled with Shakespeare is so exciting to me! He may have lived almost 400 years ago, but he sure can keep kids in 2012 begging to read more! After we read and discuss a section in the book, the children have been writing a continuous summary of the play, in their own (rhyming) words. I usually keep the summaries in class, passing them back out to the kids each time we read on. I cannot WAIT for them to finish their versions and read them aloud!
Art- Today was a bit different that usual. Today, I taught the class, AND Ms. Nancy, how to make pysanky eggs. Pysanky is the Ukrainian art of egg dying, which uses wax and a series of very strong dyes. The kids used kistkas to melt the wax over a candle, or they used a white crayon, to apply wax to the egg. Then, the egg was dipped into a dye. Then, more wax is added to the areas that they wanted to keep that color. The process continues, with darker and darker dyes, until we finally melted off all of the dye and exposed the beautiful creations!
Spelling- We spent some time today going over this list, as it seems harder than last week! We discussed the special sounds found in the words, as the "rule breakers". Afterward, we worked more on those pesky cursive "o"s and "a"s, as well as "u" and "v" as we wrote some of the harder words in cursive. My favorite sentence of the day was, "We lose a numerous amount of pencils in our classroom!" So true, so true.
Grammar- Today was a review of contractions, as well as commas in a series. The kids learned a new contraction today. They were amazed that each time they use the word "let's", they are actually meaning "let us". How funny it was for them to catch themselves all day and restate their sentences. "Hey guys, let us go outside and play!"
Math- The class learned a new term today: congruent. We discussed congruent and similar shapes. After completing a worksheet to put the meaning to memory, we got out straws, scissors, and a ruler. I showed the class how the lengths of a triangle's sides determine the angles. For instance, they each cut two piece of 5" straw, two that were 8", and two that were 11". Then, they created two congruent triangles. We measured each of the angles using a protractor. Then, the students chose any two straws and created a 60 degree angle. I showed them that the missing side could only be a certain length in order to work! They measured to find out how long the missing side needed to be. By manipulating the straws, they were able to visually see how increasing the angle increased the length of the missing side. Although it was NOT in my plans, we also took it a step further, learning that the sum of all angles in a triangle always equals 180 degrees. It was like MAGIC!
Agricultural Ed.- After math, we took a walk over to the garden, where we sat on the back of a trailer and planted vegetable seeds! We recycled egg cartons and used them as seed trays. Each child had a different vegetable to plant, and they had to read the back of the package to figure out the depth to plant the seed. We discussed the differences among the seed depths, as well as differences in harvest times. The trays look great! Hopefully, they will grow big and strong and we can transfer them into the garden! Afterward, we sat under a tree and ate a picnic lunch. It was gorgeous outside, and it felt great to be out soaking it up!
Social Studies- The kids reviewed what they read about the Articles of Confederation. They then did an activity separating the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. It's funny how cutting the material into strips of colored paper makes a learning experience way more exciting!
Reading/Writing- We reread part of our Hamlet for Kids book today. I'm telling you.... These kids are eating. this. up. The fact that they are so enthralled with Shakespeare is so exciting to me! He may have lived almost 400 years ago, but he sure can keep kids in 2012 begging to read more! After we read and discuss a section in the book, the children have been writing a continuous summary of the play, in their own (rhyming) words. I usually keep the summaries in class, passing them back out to the kids each time we read on. I cannot WAIT for them to finish their versions and read them aloud!
Art- Today was a bit different that usual. Today, I taught the class, AND Ms. Nancy, how to make pysanky eggs. Pysanky is the Ukrainian art of egg dying, which uses wax and a series of very strong dyes. The kids used kistkas to melt the wax over a candle, or they used a white crayon, to apply wax to the egg. Then, the egg was dipped into a dye. Then, more wax is added to the areas that they wanted to keep that color. The process continues, with darker and darker dyes, until we finally melted off all of the dye and exposed the beautiful creations!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Trapezoids and Transmitters
Spanish- We will be wrapping up our Spanish class next week! I cannot believe how fast our year with Ms. Joanne has flown by. Thank you, Ms. Joanne for a great year! See you again in the fall, if we don't visit you at Minter's Farm first!
Spelling- We have an Easter related spelling list this week, and most of the words are fairly easy. Today, we focused on those difficult words, as well as the cursive letters “u” and “v”, as well as “a” and “o”. These have been tricky for a lot of the class, and these words happened to give them a lot of great practice!
Poetry- We have been discussing Shel Silverstein this week.... which the kids find as hilarious as I did when I was their age! After we read one of his poems, the kids wrote a poem all their own. I am so pleased that they are finally finding writing to be fun!
Grammar- We have been learning about direct quotations recently. Specifically, we discussed how to punctuate direct quotations at the beginning of a sentence versus the end. After a review of direct quotations, the class learned about indirect quotations. It took a little practice, but the students were able to listen to a sentence with a direct quotation and come up with their own indirect quotation.
Math- We added a new definition to our geometry terms.... trapezoid! Although a parallelogram has two sets of parallel lines, a trapezoid only has one set. To review what they have learned, and to add “trapezoid” to our rapidly expanding vocabulary, the kids made the shapes for themselves. Hands on learning = mastery! Afterward, to keep it fresh, we had a review of subtraction that requires regrouping more than once. The concept hasn't been forgotten!
Science- Wow. These kids are really interested in electricity! Although we had planned to move on to a new topic today, the class is far to interested in electricity to just move on.... so, we PLAYED! On Homework Hideout, the kids have had a great time on so many sites about electrical circuits. Today, they took turns standing up and teaching their classmates something that they learned at home! Much to my surprise, each one of them ate up the opportunity, grabbed the dry erase marker, and ran the show!
After the excellent recap on the at home material, we broke up and headed to different tables for a “centers” activity. At one center was the circuit set that we began last week. The students could attach wires to the coils to connect different circuits, testing the LED lights and the photo transmitter. The next center had a kit where the kids could make their own solar powered vehicle. This was a very difficult activity! I may be sending the kits home on Tuesday, so the ones who began working on it can finish (or at least play around with) the activities. The last center had a set called “Snap Circuits”. You can find Snap Circuits online, and I highly recommend getting them for your inquisitive, science-loving child!
Social Studies- Mr. Dennis led the children through a map activity today! They had to cut out labels and descriptions for countries, continents, and oceans, and paste them on their world maps. To complete this activity, they hit the big wall map and the interactive globe... leading them to share lots of extracurricular knowledge like the population of Uganda or the tune to the national anthem of Belgium!
Writing- On homework hideout yesterday, the kids were given a visual writing prompt. Instead of a story starter of words, they were given a picture of a rainbow, pot of gold, and a Leprechaun! As a quick writing assignment, they worked on their own creative story about the picture. Although I had only planned to look over their rough drafts and help revise, they insisted that they share what they had written so far! So, they read their stories to each other. At home, they will complete the stories, polish them up, and bring them back in to share their final drafts on Tuesday!
Oh... and Winnie, the guinea, spent the day in class with us today. As the only egg out of five that hatched, the little girl needs as much attention as she can get!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Winnie, the Guinea
Winnie, snoozing in her food bowl. |
Spelling- This list is not a difficult one, but there are some words that require some extra assistance. We went over the list, discussing the meanings of the words and their correlation with Easter.
Poetry- It's the first day of spring! The kids shared the poems that they wrote about springtime. This is the first time that we have written a poem like this, and I loved hearing them! Most of all, I loved how comfortable each child is within this group. They are not just comfortable getting up and sharing their poetry, they are excited to do it! Why? Because it is a small group that gives support, love, and respect for each other. If this is “sheltered” or “unsocialized”, then that is exactly what I want my children to be!
Grammar- After a brief review of the four types of sentences (and how to diagram them), we continued our lesson on direct quotations. On Thursday, we learned about direct quotations that are located at the end of the sentence. In this case, the punctuation for the direct quotation (inside the quotation marks) acts as the punctuation for the entire sentence. You do not need to add extra punctuation. Today, we learned about direct quotations that are located at the beginning of the sentence. When these quotations are exclamations or questions, they end in the corresponding punctuation. However, when the sentence within the direct quotation should end with a period, the period is replaced with a comma. Have no fear, we will be reviewing this until it sticks!
Reading- The class read on in their “Hamlet for Kids” books. We ended with Prince Hamlet speaking with the ghost of his father, who informed him that he was actually murdered. The children left off with Prince Hamlet forming a plot to avenge his father's death. “Murder most foul!” The kids continued their summaries of the story... writing page after page their own rhyming versions of Hamlet. The mental block that most of our class had for writing at the beginning of the school year has slowly melted away!
Math- Area, perimeter, angles, and shapes! We quickly reviewed the geometry concepts that they have been studying... and then we PLAYED! Using a fractals set, the kids manipulated the angles on the parallelograms to form designs. We discussed why the angles fit together so well. The angles are all multiples of 1/14 of 360 degrees. For instance, the blue pieces have angles that are 3/14 of 360degrees and 4/14 of 360degrees. What it means for us is that we can make “Cool 3D pictures!”
Social Studies- Today's lesson was on the siege at Yorktown. We are slowly making our way to the end of our unit on the American Revolution! We will be adding the information from the last few lessons to the American Revolution time-lines that we are working on at home. We will bring them in the day before Spring Break!
Art- We finished up our story quilts today! Ms. Nancy will be assembling them. I cannot wait to see the final products! Next week, everyone will need to dress in really old clothes! We will be learning the art of Ukrainian egg dying, pysanky. The dyes are permanent, so dress accordingly!
Music- Mrs. Beresford worked with the children on their musical flashcards today, preparing them for a test over the material they have been working on. They also were given a new song to work on, “I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy”.
I have mentioned this in the past, but today presented another example. I love how these kids are able to let their collective imaginations fly during the non-instructive times at our little school house. Today, after class was over, all five kids were in a buzz. Somehow, they got onto the topic of "blogs". They decided that it would be awesome if each one could write about the things they love to do so that the other four could read all about it... all the time. This was the point that everyone burst at the seems with excitement. They asked for clipboards... paper... their pencils and mouths were flying and their heads were spinning with ideas. One wanted a Lego blog, one wanted one just for any kind of creations, one wanted a blog to discuss the armies that he makes on his bedroom floor. All at once, they were BEGGING to go home. Quickly. So they could WRITE. I really cannot make this stuff up. I am not quite sure how, but we have been blessed with an atmosphere of free-range learning. And, it is priceless to me.
I have mentioned this in the past, but today presented another example. I love how these kids are able to let their collective imaginations fly during the non-instructive times at our little school house. Today, after class was over, all five kids were in a buzz. Somehow, they got onto the topic of "blogs". They decided that it would be awesome if each one could write about the things they love to do so that the other four could read all about it... all the time. This was the point that everyone burst at the seems with excitement. They asked for clipboards... paper... their pencils and mouths were flying and their heads were spinning with ideas. One wanted a Lego blog, one wanted one just for any kind of creations, one wanted a blog to discuss the armies that he makes on his bedroom floor. All at once, they were BEGGING to go home. Quickly. So they could WRITE. I really cannot make this stuff up. I am not quite sure how, but we have been blessed with an atmosphere of free-range learning. And, it is priceless to me.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Science.... How shocking!
Spanish- The class is learning Spanish words that are in the tale of Little Red Riding Hood! As they discuss the story, they are pulling out Spanish vocabulary for wolf, house, grandmother... and more. They are making a picture dictionary of the words that they learn, and will be making up their own unique ending!
Science- We had a packed day in science today! We started out the class with a lesson on static electricity. The kids were amazed as I made a balloon stick to the wall. “How did you do that?!” We learned about positively and negatively charged electrons and how they flow from one place to another. Our lesson on electricity was jam packed with new terms and concepts! When discussing an electrical circuit's “load” (the light, motor, etc that is affected by the electrical current), one of our students compared the load in a circuit to the direct object of a sentence. He explained that the direct objkect of a sentence receives the action of the verb like the “load” received the action from the power source. LOVE IT!! Since we recently learned about the properties of light, we combined the two topics with a project on fiber optics. It is a project that will spill over into next week, as well!
Social Studies- After reviewing the homework assignments, the class learned about the advantages that each side had against the other during the Revolutionary War. They will review the reading assignment and work on a crossword puzzle, “The War in the North”.
Spelling- The students were excited (yes, excited!) to read the sentences that they wrote at home, so we spent some time sharing them with the class. Then, we took it to the yard for a relay spelling review game! Before I we started, the kids had to put themselves in reverse alphabetical order. Then, they took turns running to the fence and passing the ball to the next person in line. We're getting those wiggles out on this nice sunny day!
Poetry- We finished illustrating our “Hide and Seek” video and finished recording each student's recitation. I will compile it, edit it, and post it when it's ready to view!
Grammar- Yesterday, we had a very tricky lesson about contractions. The “not” contractions take a helping verb and the adverb “not”, combining them into one. In order to diagram sentences with these contractions, we have to pull them apart. The helping verb goes on the verb line but the “n't” is diagrammed as an adverb describing the verb! To drive this concept home, we wore colored hats. The kids were helping verbs, “n't” adverbs, and action verbs. They had to separate... and then the “n't” even had to lie on the floor as an adverb, under the verbs! I think this will help them to remember what to do with those pesky contractions! After our contraction review, we learned about direct quotations. When direct quotations are located at the end of a sentence, the punctuate inside the quotations serves as the punctuation for the entire sentence. Good to know!
Math- After a review of area and perimeter, the kids were able to get their hands on protractors and actually measure angles! It was incredibly helpful for them to create angles and measure them on their own. Although computer based programs are helpful, they simply cannot replace a hands on lesson. The kids learned how to line up the angle and how to read the protractors. We also made our own angles as a review of right, obtuse, and acute angles.
Science- We had a packed day in science today! We started out the class with a lesson on static electricity. The kids were amazed as I made a balloon stick to the wall. “How did you do that?!” We learned about positively and negatively charged electrons and how they flow from one place to another. Our lesson on electricity was jam packed with new terms and concepts! When discussing an electrical circuit's “load” (the light, motor, etc that is affected by the electrical current), one of our students compared the load in a circuit to the direct object of a sentence. He explained that the direct objkect of a sentence receives the action of the verb like the “load” received the action from the power source. LOVE IT!! Since we recently learned about the properties of light, we combined the two topics with a project on fiber optics. It is a project that will spill over into next week, as well!
Social Studies- After reviewing the homework assignments, the class learned about the advantages that each side had against the other during the Revolutionary War. They will review the reading assignment and work on a crossword puzzle, “The War in the North”.
Writing- The class wrote letters today, practicing the use of commas, indention, and thank you's in general! We have finished up some pretty big writing projects lately, so we're shaking out our writing hands and getting ready to see what's in store for us next week!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
To thine own self be true.
Spelling- We went over each word in list 27, discussing any funny business! We also read, spelled, and read each word going from a whisper to a shout and back again!
Poetry- We are almost finished with our illustrations for “Hide and Seek”! On Thursday, we will finish recording the recitations and I will compile it all together for our video!
Grammar- At home, the students diagrammed some sentences, reviewing predicate adjectives, direct objects, and prepositional phrases. We went over each sentences, making any changes needed. Then, we learned something new.... how to diagram a “not” contraction! You see, a “not” contraction, like haven't, didn't, or couldn't, are a combination between a helping verb and an adverb. So, in order to diagram them, you have to separate the helping verb from the contraction! The leftover letters and apostrophe goes underneath the verb, on an adverb line. Tricky stuff!
Reading- We read on in “Hamlet for Kids” today. We hear all the time that children are like sponges. Well, it's books like these that make such a concept so evident. These kids are soaking it up... and they are hungry for more! Today, we came across the famous line, “To thine own self be true.” We stopped to discuss Shakespeare's influence on our culture. I am hoping that they are able to recognize when they hear lines from the plays!
Math- Today, we learned how to calculate area. Because the kids had some prior knowledge of how to do this, I decided to let them put this to work... as they figured out the area of the main room of our school house! The tiles on the floor are 12” x 12”. So, they marched across the floor, counting up the squares along two walls. After they calculated the area of the main room, we added on the small bathroom. There's nothing that makes math stick better than actually using it!
Social Studies- Mr. Dennis taught the kids about life during the American Revolution. They read about Loyalists and Patriots, famous women of the American Revolution, and challenges that make life difficult during that time.
Writing- We spent a little time reading over our persuasive papers. We will be finishing them up and bringing in the final papers on Thursday!
Art- These story quilts are going to be phenomenal! I am so thrilled with the paintings on canvas, the sewing, and the stories themselves. I cannot wait for the kids to put all of this hard work together!
Art- These story quilts are going to be phenomenal! I am so thrilled with the paintings on canvas, the sewing, and the stories themselves. I cannot wait for the kids to put all of this hard work together!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Writing Stride.
The amount of positive reinforcement that this class gives to each other is just amazing. Without even realizing it, the kids go through phases together. Phases of being completely obsessed with music class, practicing on the table tops, humming the pieces during other classes, and helping each other when a classmate expresses trouble they are having with a particular song. Right now, the group has shown an increased interest in writing, which is amazing for this group who didn't particularly like to write only a short time ago.
In art class, we have been working on story quilts. The students could write a creative story about any topic they chose. One student chose to write, and write, and write... about an intergalactic robot battle that captured the rest of the class's attention. I'm not sure if it was this event that helped to spark the enthusiasm for writing, but something recently has flipped a switch. Today, a little writing assignment on Hamlet grew and grew into an ongoing writing project. The kids wrote... and wrote... and then one of them asked if they could PLEASE write a separate story, as well. Needless to say, we squeezed the schedule around in order to foster this newfound passion for writing. It's moments like these that make me know, without a doubt, that this little classroom in the country is EXACTLY where we need to be learning!
Spanish- It was another fun day in Spanish! Ms. Joanne brought in items that we use when we take a bath: towel, washcloth, shampoo, soap. The students took turns pretending to use these items, describing what they were doing in Spanish. They have really been studying their lists!
Spelling- On this beautiful, sunny day, we hit the tennis court for spelling class. The class lined up and did “spelling sprints”. Each time one of them spelled a word correctly, they could run to the fence and back. In the end, we all spelled the hardest words together for one big RUN!
Poetry- We have been working on our illustrations for “Hide and Seek”. At home, we will be working on one of these tomorrow and Monday. I can't wait to put the pictures and the audio together for an awesome recitation video!
Grammar- Although today was meant to be new material, it was a review for the class. Contractions are nothing new to them! We did look at the formulas that different contractions use. For instance, “are” contractions such as “they are” and “we are” drop the “a” and replace it with an apostrophe. We looked at all of the different contraction groups: would, will, have, and so on.
Reading- We began reading our Macbeth for Kids book today! First of all, I love the kids' passion for these books. They did not let me stop reading where I planned.... I had to read on! After we finished our group reading and discussion, we started our in-class writing assignment. The students each wrote a summary of what happened in Macbeth today, in their own words. As a matter of fact, many of the kids even made theirs rhyme! Each day, after we read more in the story, they will add to their own versions... and at the end, they will have told the complete tale, in their own words!
Math- Today was all about geometry. The class used Popsicle sticks to learn about intersecting lines, parallel lines, and angles. Then, we learned the differences between a parallelogram, rectangle, square, and rhombus. Believe me, this was not an easy lesson. We are so used to problems that have only one answer... but the idea that a rhombus, a square, and a rectangle are also parallelograms and that a square is just a specialized rectangle was a bit hard to grasp! We topped off this vocabulary-packed math day with a discussion of isosceles, scalene, equilateral, and right triangles. Again, we had to absorb that a right triangle can be an isosceles but never an equilateral triangle. Don't be surprised if they sleep well tonight... they worked hard!
Social Studies- The students read the beginning of the Declaration of Independence today. Further, Mr. Dennis taught the class about inalienable rights, rights given to us by God.
In addition to our Hamlet writing assignment, we also wrote a lot in Social Studies. The students took their understanding of the term “inalienable rights” and began writing a persuasive paper. Their purpose is to argue whether or not they believe recess should be considered an inalienable right. Although they are not finished, I can tell that their responses weren't what you would expect!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Another Beautiful Day
Spanish- Ms. Joanne led the kids in a review on the alphabet, the months, and days of the week. Then, they continued their lesson on words needed in bathing. When we began the school year, these kids were so quiet as they repeated the words. Now, we have enthusiasm and even some fabulous accents! Ms. Joanne reminds them to speak as if they are angry... and it is working!
Spelling- Today was the introduction of list 26. I love the fact that the class BEGGED to write a story using the words from the list! Seriously... what group of children asks for extra spelling work and writing?!
Poetry- The kids have worked so hard on memorizing “Hide and Seek”! They began illustrating the poem today. They will be working on creating pictures of different scenes. After we video their recitation and complete the pictures, I will compile them into a video. From the looks of today's illustrations, this is going to be great!
Grammar- Hilarity! Today, the kids got to see why the comma in a direct address is so important. You see, there is a big difference between “I want to eat, grandma” and “I want to eat grandma”! The point was not missed... and we had to go through many scenarios where taking out the comma turns the person in the direct address into the direct object! “The snail slimed, Alex” and “The snail slimed Alex” was a big hit. There's nothing that says “success” like being able to make grammar fun!
Reading- The children received their “Hamlet for Kids” books today. We will begin our unit on Hamlet on Thursday!
Math- Today was a review in mental multiplication, as the students multiplied two digit numbers by a single digit number, using a deck of cards. Cards, dice, or even just numbers written on an index card make the act of multiplying fun!
Social Studies- We have been studying the Declaration of Independence in Social Studies. Today, the class discussed the writing of the documents and the grievances listed. We broke some of them down into “polital” grievances and “economic” ones. The kids learned of actions that the colonies took before the Declaration of Independence, such as the formation of a post office and their own an army. They will be taking information from today's lesson and applying it to their American Revolution timelines, at home!
Writing- During writing class, we went over our stories for art, polishing anything that needed polishing and finishing anything that needed to be finished!
Art- Everyone finished sewing their patchwork borders for their story quilts today. They started to see how the whole project will come together! Their stories will be written on canvas... and they will paint an illustration on a large canvas that will be surrounded by the patchwork. I can't wait to see the finished projects!
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