Grammar- Today was a huge review day. We went over the definitions of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns. We reviewed each type and drilled our diagramming skills. It's awesome to watch as things they thought would be “so hard” weeks ago are now simple! I love it when they skip ahead in the book, see something that looks very complicated, only to see that they can master it easily when they get there, learning along the way!
Handwriting- This is our last border sheet before we deliver them to Assisted Living on Friday! They are doing such a good job on these. Keep taking your time and doing your best... We will continue to come up with worthwhile destinations for our beautiful work!
We will meet at 9:45 at Dogwood Assisted Living in Fayetteville. The residents have devotional at 10:00. We will be playing and singing “Be Still and Know” for them and giving them our border sheets. I know we will be putting smiles on many faces on Friday!
Writing- The kids did a fabulous job with their creative writing stories! Sometimes, the best writing prompt is actually a picture!

Poetry- We have almost finished up our backdrop for our video! The chimney place is all set, the clock is complete, the plate is almost decorated, and the gingham dog and calico cat costumes are in progress! We'll have it all finished up for our grand production on Thursday.
Social Studies- Today, the kids read about Jamestown and Roanoke, and did a reading comprehension exercise. They also discussed and did a crossword puzzle using the economics terms they learned.

Music- We really worked hard on playing Be Still and Know together as a group. The class learned about rhythm, and how music must follow the beat. Mrs. Beresford used a metronome beat to help illustrate the importance of synchronization. We have some bright kiddos!
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