Spelling- We had a very thorough study today of each spelling word and the special sounds within them. Some follow the “rules”, but others in this list do not! We then played a game where the kids had to make as many spelling words as they could using only the letters in a phrase written on the board. It was a great way to really focus on those words!

Handwriting- Excellent job with these border sheets! As our board fills up with beautiful work, we will move on to the next step.... We will give our border sheets to the elderly at a local nursing home for Thanksgiving. These colorful pictures and meaningful Bible verses will help to brighten their day!
Math- In math today, we worked on counting out money. The kids do a wonderful job making change, but they needed to work on being able to use the fewest coins to do so. We practiced making different amounts with the fewest coins possible. I also showed them how to count out loud as they added each coin... 25, 50, 60, 65, 66.... 67. 67 cents!

Today is “lock down” day. So, we will be taking the egg turner out and increasing the humidity. We candled them and the kids were able to clearly see little chicks wiggling around inside! They were able to tell me which eggs had embryos inside and which ones were unfertilized or did not develop. They are getting to be little experts!
Social Studies- Today, the students filled in their Spanish Explorers Chart with the information they have learned about Juan Ponce de Leon, Hernando de Soto, and Francisco Vasquez de Coronodo. They also were introduced to Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and Estevanico.

Music- We worked on Jingle Bells today. Mrs. Beresford put it to a beat so the kids could all play together... which they did spectacularly! Then, she taught them the left hand to the song. They are very excited about learning to put them both together!
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