Spanish- We used those Spanish numbers to play bingo today! The kids had a great time and showed off their Spanish skills!
Spelling- Continuing our very physically active spelling lessons, we played a tag-team-race-game with our spelling words today! Using our brains and our bodies at the same time is getting these kids EXCITED about learning!
Spelling- Continuing our very physically active spelling lessons, we played a tag-team-race-game with our spelling words today! Using our brains and our bodies at the same time is getting these kids EXCITED about learning!
Grammar- Today, we reviewed common and proper nouns, plural and singular nouns, and pronouns. We will be working to memorize the pronouns in class.
Reading- In reading today, we discussed chapters 6 and 7. We also made our own cupboards! We will be making little people and items to put in our cupboards along the way... and bring it home when we complete the book!
Math- Check out what we have been talking about this week!
Science- We were scientists on a field study today! We learned all about plants, their structures, types, and functions. Through a demonstration with sponges of different heights in a plate of water, we saw first hand why mosses (who have no roots or stems) need to stay low to the ground. Woody stems, nonwoody stems, respiration, photosynthesis... the kids have a lot to review at home this week! In order to show how plants move water up their stems and through their veins, we placed white carnations into colored water. We'll leave them right here and check them out on Tuesday! (I may even pop in and take pictures of their progress and add it to the site!)
Social Studies- What a crazy day! With the help of a Time Portal Door, which appeared miraculously on the storage room room, we had a guest visitor! Marco Polo himself came to our class to tell us about himself.
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