Today was Grandparents' Day at the schoolhouse!
First, we started the day off preparing our poetry and music for our Grandparents. Next. we reviewed our spelling list by playing a game on the tennis courts. Each student was in a corner. In order to run to the next corner, they had to spell a spelling word correctly! It was a great way to get outside and exercise on a beautiful morning. We worked on our grammar cards, as well.
After Language Arts, we discussed their weekly reading assignment in "The Indian in the Cupboard". These chapters dealt with a lot of conflict. There were arguments, disagreements, and fights. We used the characters' examples to discuss conflicts in our own lives... and how to resolve them! The kids each gave examples of what makes them angry. For each example, I blew up a balloon a little more. By the end of the examples, the balloon was full and POPPED! We talked about ways to let the air out slowly... or to deal with our anger in healthy ways instead of snapping, yelling, or fighting. During the break, they are supposed to notice when they feel anger boiling up and try to use some of the healthy ways we discussed to calm down instead of POPPING!
In science, we learned all about vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as body systems in animals. We even acted out the digestive system, passing "food" along organ to organ!
The kids had a great time displaying all that they have learned so far this year for their grandparents to see! They read the poem that we are working on memorizing, acting out the parts. They played the songs that they have been working on in music. We had centers for each subject, so they could walk their grandparents through all that they have learned and created! The students even interviewed their grandparents, learning about their childhood, their first jobs, and finding out what advice their grandparents have for them. It was an awesome time, and a perfect way to spend our last day in class for a while!

We will have Field Trip Day tomorrow at 9:00. Meet at the schoolhouse for a hayride down to Inman Farm Heritage Days! See you soon!