Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Our day began with the last day of this set of animal care jobs.  The class has really learned how to work together in groups, take turns, and compromise!  After fall break they will be given new jobs but will keep the same groups.  I am hoping to use this to improve on these important skills!

Once inside, we talked about different things going on right now on the farm.  We talked about the new feathers that are coming in on the chickens.  The class is anxiously waiting to find out if Annabelle, the angora (rabbit) doe is pregnant or not!  If she begins to pull fur in the next few days, then she should kindle (give birth) in the next few days.  We talked about how the does' fur loosens due to hormones in late pregnancy.  They are then able to pull the fur to build a warm, fluffy nest!  We are all crossing our fingers that there will be little kits here after fall break, but I did make sure the class understands that a doe's first kindling may not always go smoothly, and not to get their hopes up too high!  Life on a farm: hope for the best but expect the worst!  This group also got onto the topic of snakes.  I described different times that snakes have shown up here on the farm... There are some pretty crazy stories!  

The class had a quick snack and then shared their Farm Fusion stories.  These are optional, but many students are choosing to take part in the creative writing opportunity, which is awesome!  I stopped them every so often to point out wonderful things that I was hearing in their writing.  I pointed out descriptive words and phrases that were used to help their reader get a clear picture of the things in their stories.  I also pointed out ways to transition from sentence to sentence to make things flow more smoothly.  Of course, I also had to brag on beautiful handwriting, hard work, and rough/final drafts.  These kids are doing a great job, and it is my hope that I will take them forward in their writing throughout the year!

We talked about how Sam is faring in My Side of the Mountain.  The kids really seem to be loving this one!  First, we had a vocabulary crossword puzzle to help them review the words that they have been studying at home.  The class worked in groups to complete the puzzles.  Then, we discussed different types of figurative language: similes, metaphors, verbification, personification, and hyperboles.  They will be working with these at home, as well.  They showed off their AMAZING field guides.  I am so very excited that they are getting into these!  The students used Sam's description of how he made his own fishhooks to make their own at home.  They added these to their field guide, as well.  We will continue to add to these throughout the year, and will work with them in class as well as at home.   The class also shared their Reader's Journal entries, which were really improving!  We will be diving into different types of writing as the year progresses.  

In geography, we reviewed the continents and oceans and then zoomed in on North America.  We talked about the North American countries, and discussed the fact that Greenland is sometimes grouped as a North American country (by location), but sometimes it is grouped as a European country (by culture/social factors).  We will be sticking with location, so Greenland will be studied in this unit.  I think explaining these differences in opinion when it comes to topics such as this helps children to begin to understand that these little differences aren't uncommon, nor should they be an arguing point.  
The kids learned a little bit about Latin today, as well!  We talked about "binomial nomenclature".  Mainly, I wanted this group to understand that most big words are made up of a "secret code".  Once you know the "code", you can figure out what the words mean!  We talked about how the prefix "bi-" means "two".  We then discusses the two-name system of scientific names for living things.  We added a section to our science notebooks that will help them remember what we talked about in class.  At home, the class will be learning different mnemonics that will help them remember the different levels of organization.  They can write down their favorite one or make up their own!  We'll be working with these in class, so be sure to bring them in!
Next, we put on our paint shirts and started a new art project!  The class worked with acrylic paints to create backgrounds today.  Next class, we will add details to these... and then the next part is a surprise!

Next week is a fall break, so we'll see you back on the 17th!

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