Today was spelling test day! These lists are getting harder and harder, and the kids are doing a fantastic job of studying and keeping up! Although spell check is part of our world today, it's so very important for these students to have a strong foundation in spelling. Not only does spell check not catch every mistake, but we definitely don't want to be dependent on technology for writing success!
After our math independent study time, the class learned all about adverbs. Both groups have mastered adjectives that tell what kind, which one, how many, and whose. Today, both groups learned that adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Adverbs tell us how, when, where, how often, and to what extent. They added adverbs to their grammar card ring and will be studying these at home. Both groups learned how to diagram adverbs that describe verbs in class. On Thursday, we will be adverb-diagramming-experts!
The class has been learning about the different reasons that settlers came to North America. They discussed Jamestown and Plymouth and the differences between the British colonists and the pilgrims. Today, Ms. Hilary began class with a sorting activity using index cards. The class worked as a group to sort the cards, which helped them review the material from home. Then, the class had a quiz over the material they have learned. I think this was a very important day, as some of these sweet kids have never had a quiz or test of this kind before. In my opinion, learning how to take a quiz is just as important as the material learned, if not more so! Years from now, they will most likely not remember the dates or names that they learn here, but hopefully they will know how to study, how to discuss in a group, how to listen, how to switch from play to focus, and how to take a quiz!

In art class, Ms. Nancy helped the students work through a folding and cutting project. Again, this was a great lesson in following directions and listening to detail. The class used construction paper and glue to create slithery critters! Without using any markers, crayons, or pencils, the class put together some amazing 3D creations!

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