Today, we began with a quick review of the tougher spelling
words in each of the students’ lists.
The kids had a “hot potato” style review, where we tossed my little
stuffed aardvark around the room to each student. Although we sometimes focus on writing the
words, today we focused on verbally spelling the words. We will continue to work on List 1 and have
an assessment on Tuesday.

We cracked open the handwriting books today, discussing cursive
writing. Although some students are
mastering cursive, others are just learning this skill. We will be working independently through the
book, and I will use their writing in each class to help guide their progress
in both cursive and print. On Tuesday, I
noticed that a few students were creating their d’s and p’s by starting at the
bottom and working their way up. This may
work for now, but it slows down the flow of writing. We have all had classes where we needed to
frantically take notes. Even with the
rise of technology, writing with ease will be an important skill!
Speaking of skills, today’s writing lesson taught an important
one! The class discussed how to pull out
the keywords from a paragraph, and then use those keywords to write the ideas
in their own words. Ms. Hilary worked
through an example about butterflies.
The class picked out the important keywords. Then, the paragraph was erased! They had to recall the information and use their
creativity to make the paragraph their own.

I absolutely loved today’s history lesson. The class talked about maps, cardinal
directions, and using a map key. After
working through a map activity, Ms. Hilary explained how a person's rights are given to them by God, not by the government. A country’s job is not to own people, but to
help them. The students learned more on
this topic in 45 minutes than some children are taught in 12 years of

Science began this afternoon! We will have science each Thursday, and Ms.
Smith will be teaching these eager minds!
Their introduction lesson was all about the scientific method. To step them through the process, they had a
geology mini-lesson! They learned about
geologist, volcanologists, lava, magma, data collection, and more. After their lesson, the students mixed up
some good ol’ Georgia red clay and a little water, and created their own
volcano! The class will continue their scientific
method lesson at home, and continue to volcanoes next Thursday!
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