The Chicken Group played a new spelling review game today: Mud on a Pig! As I called out a word, they wrote it on their personal whiteboards. If they spelled it correctly, they could put a chocolate Cheerio (aka mud) on their pig illustration. They loved it! It was very obvious which students have been completing all of their at-home spelling lessons, and which ones were not. I tested my theory and found that this was, in fact, the case. The only way to learn words that cannot simply be sound out is through practice. By skipping the say/spell/say or writing of the words, these students are struggling and not mastering the list. It was a big difference from the prior weeks when the same students were fully completing their lessons! Hopefully my pep-talk will help them to get back on track.

After spelling, the class reviewed phonics charts 10 and 11. They then learned three new sounds: "ie" in brownie, "ey" in key, and "ey" in obey. They worked on marking the special sounds and vowels in different words. The kids also made possessive forms of words by adding 's. Finally, the students took turns reading in their Treasure Chest books. In vocabulary, they discussed the answers to the review crossword that they completed at home. Mr. Jim led the class through a review of the words on this list.

The Guinea Group also played the Mud on a Pig game today. By the end of the game they had some very muddy pigs! After spelling, the students continued to learn about William Blake. We read the poem, The Lamb" and discussed its similarities to "Tiger, Tiger". Then, the students shared their own animals poems, written in a similar format. They did an absolutely awesome job with these! They began working on backgrounds for a little project with these poems. In vocabulary, the class went over their at-home assignment, verbally reviewing the words on this list.
In history class, the students were split into two teams for a history review. Each team is made up of students with different jobs. Review games like this really help the kids to get used to working in a group and accepting when they don't get their way! As always, we help the students to deal with frustrations and disappointments in a calm and respectful way. It takes practice, and they are all doing a great job!

In grammar class, the Cow Group reviewed all of the parts of speech that they have learned so far. We reviewed interjections, and then talked about conjunctions. These kids absolutely loved the Schoolhouse a Rock video on conjunctions, and they even knew morpst of the words! Because they couldn't stop singing it in class, I decided to let them plan on us making a video! We'll be working on that beginning next week... Fun!
The Horse Group went over their at-home assignment. We talked about each question, and the reason behind the solution. The class then learned about predicate adjectives. Because they are diagrammed like predicate nominative so, we went ahead and learned this new part of speech. However, we will be spending a few days just on review so that they can fully master this material.
Our enrichment class today was an agriculture lesson on pigs. The students learned many pig terms, such as sow, gilt, farrow, litter, boar, and piglet. They were able to spend a lot of quality time with Sprinkle, our new piggy ambassador! It was a great ending to a super day!

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