The Chicken Group learned more special
sounds today and reviewed the ones they learned at home on Friday and
Monday. I used the Letters and Sounds Test to gauge how well they are
remembering these sounds, and how well they can identify them on their own.
Instead of simply grading this test, we stopped and make corrections as
we went along. The goal is to help master these phonics sounds so that
we can use them as tools to increase our reading and spelling skills, so simply marking the answers right or wrong does not help us meet our ultimate goal! The class will be working on the next spelling list at home, and we will be playing a spelling game on Thursday. Be ready!
The Guinea Group spent the morning
reviewing the new spelling list and practicing their poetry recitation
of the first two stanzas of The Duel. They
are doing a really good job with this! We will be continuing to
memorize the rest of the poem over the next couple weeks before finally
putting it all together. Although this class has all completely memorized (and continually utilize) the special sounds charts, we always use them to break down the spelling words and help with pronunciation.

In vocabulary, both classes went over
what they have learned in the second list of terms. They played a game
to help solidify these terms in their mind, and they will be working
with these words again tomorrow and over the next couple weeks.
History- Today, the class split into
pairs. Each pair came up with a time travel story, where they describe a
trip to Ancient Rome. They used many keywords and concepts from their
history lesson, and did a wonderful job presenting their stories to the
In grammar, the Cow Group learned about commas and how they are used in dates and addresses. We made up a very catchy little song to help us remember how it fits into an address! Ha! We used our grammar cards to quiz each other over the parts of speech, and then added a card to our deck. Without a grammar book this year, these grammar cards will be used all year long to help make grammar study an easier experience!

Both classes were able to read their stories in writing class. They talked about the stories, and then took turns in a reading circle, listening to the different snippets from each student. They absolutely LOVE this part of the day! I think it is a great time for their minds to relax and their creative sides to take over!

In science today, the kids learned about the different layers that make up the earth. We colored a diagram that helped them to get a better understanding of the depths of each of the layers. They were all very shocked at how much of the earth is made up of the mantle! We will be building on each week's lesson as we continue to make our way through Earth Science!
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