Health/Ag- We have been talking about decision-making skills, goal setting skills, and "hatching a plan". Today, I further explained why agriculture topics are excellent examples of setting goals and planning ahead for things that you need to happen in the future. The class has set eggs in the incubator, which will hatch in approximately 2 weeks. I explained that you cannot simply set the eggs and instantly get chicks! You must monitor the humidity, adding water when needed. You must monitor the temperature. You also have to make changes on the 18th day of incubation, called "lock down". At this time, you stop turning the eggs (take out the egg turner) and increase the humidity level. Another example of planning ahead is the planting of crops. Today, the class began the process of planting our raised bed garden. The Fayette County Farm Bureau Women's Committee came and helped the students plant different seeds. They will start these seeds indoors, and then begin filling the raised beds next week!
Spanish- Today, the class continued to work on their Spanish restaurant project. They worked in their groups to come up with menus, skits, and a master plan for presenting their project to the class!
Art- In art class, Ms. Nancy began with a little Fat Tuesday celebration... with beads for the class! The students made their own cardboard looms today, and began to weave different patterns. They have worked a lot with yarn and thread this year, and they are getting really good at it! The weaving project will continue next week, and when they are completed, the kids can take them off of the looms!
Social Studies- In social studies class, the students gave their Cold War presentations. Mr. Dennis and I both graded each poster on neatness, clarity, labels, grammar (including correct capitalization), and content. It was great hearing each of them explain their Cold War leader to their peers.
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