In ag class, we collected money for World Vision. The class brought in donations so that we can give the gift of farm animals to a family in an impoverished country. Our class raised $140! The kids looked at different prices of animals, decided which combination would be the most beneficial for them, and then submitted a vote. I bet we will have a little more coming in soon. Then, I will figure out which combination of animals the class will give! (As a side lesson, we ended up discussing ways to protect yourself during charitable giving. We talked about the importance of research, as some charities only give a small percentage of your donation towards actual giving!)
Art- In art class, Ms. Nancy taught the class how to draw figures (people) that are in motion. The kids folded a paper in half, and then created a picture of ice skaters. This class teaches great lessons in following directions! The kids were told to draw each of their people so that their feet are touching the fold at the bottom. Later, the class folded their papers inside out, and rubbed them to create a reflection in the ice! Beautiful job!
Social Studies- Mr. Dennis ended the U.S. History class with a test over the Cold War. These kids did SUCH an amazing job! They have learned so much that it is amazing. Mr. Dennis raises the bar, they just keep on reaching it!
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