Thursday, April 11, 2013


This isn't a complete run-down, but here's a glimpse!

 Grammar-  In grammar, the kids did a review over conjunctions, compound subjects, and compound predicates. They diagrammed a few different examples, which we discussed together on the board.  They will continue this review at home, before next week's class.

Literature-  The class did an amazing job on their tests over The Secret Garden!  Almost everyone made A's!

Ms. Gail began a new unit today on Greek mythology.  The kids were thrilled!  The class listened to some stories of different Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus. 

Science-  Today, the class presented their fact sheets on different animals.  Each child was given a different animal to research, so their classmates were very interested to hear all sorts of new amazing facts!  They then discussed invertebrates, arthropods, and began the new lesson on echinoderms.  Kids just love learning about all things that crawl, squirm, and scurry!

Social Studies-  Mr. Dennis reviewed with the class their answers from the at home assignment on World War I.  I wouldn't admit it to them, but they honestly have a far better grasp on the causes of the war than I ever did!  Maybe I should have had Mr. Dennis as a teacher!

Agriculture- In three words:  WE MADE BUTTER!


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