Grammar- Each child recorded their recitation of the poem Ozymandius. They were able to use their clay figures from art class to create a dramatic representation of the poem. I am excited to put these together! The kids did such an amazing job with this difficult poem!
Math- The 4A math class had a review of concepts involving fractions. They reviewed improper fractions, mixed numbers, simplifying fractions, and word problems involving fractions. Each student was able to teach the class how to perform a word problem on the board. They all have been doing a great job with fractions. I think that the concrete nature of the problems (visualizing 2 2/3 pies) helps a lot! The 3A math class worked on more multiplication and division practice. They also continued their multiplication race car challenge!
Science- The class acted like monomers... walking around the room. Ms. Gail asked them to pair up to form polymers. Some polymers were made of two monomers, while some were made of more than two. This was just a visualization for the polymer lesson that they have been reading at home. The class then worked on a review sheet over chapters 1-5. They will be completing by the next science class. Then, they will review chapters 6-10 before the final test over our chemistry lesson.
Literature- These children are absolutely loving this book! Ms. Gail went through the comprehension questions from last week. They discussed the answers to each one. In addition, she pointed out that some students are still reluctant to write their answers in complete sentences. After Christmas break, when we begin a new semester, we will be cracking down harder on this. Why? Because writing answers to discussion type questions shows that you are trying your personal best. It shows that you are putting forth effort, and it helps to explain what you mean in your answer. I told the kids at the beginning of the year that they are beginning at one level of achievement, behavior, and maturity, and they will end the year at a much higher level... but in order to get there, we have to raise that bar throughout the school year!
Due to scheduling reasons and availability, the class will be going to Rock Eagle 4-H Center for their Environmental Education Program in the spring! It will be an overnight trip for all children in the 3rd and 4th grade class. We will leave early on Monday, April 29th and return the next evening. Cost for the trip, which includes meals, is $64.00. We will not need a total count until March, but if you know for sure that you will or will not be able to attend, just let me know so we can get a ballpark number. Ms. Gail and I will be going, but we will need one or two dads as male chaperones. These are the only chaperones needed, but any parent is welcome to join us!
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