Handwriting- The students are slowly but surely working their way through the cursive alphabet. Today, we focused on the letter "R". For many, the lowercase R is a letter that can end up a little sloppy. We worked on creating good habits or correcting any habits that aren't resulting in clean neat R's.
Math- In the 3A math class today, Ms. Jennifer helped the students did a multiplication review. They worked on a multiplication array, as well as repeated addition. In the 4A class, they continued their lesson on adding and subtracting fractions.
Grammar- After correcting our at-home assignment and reviewing direct objects, the students learned about indirect objects. I explained that our grammar class is rolling down a mountain like a snowball. It starts out small-- with knowledge about nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc. As we "roll" along, we learn more and more material, but the foundation knowledge must be there for the snowball to grow! We will continue to review early concepts and parts of speech along the way. However, if a child is having difficulty with topics from early in the school year, be sure to work on mastering these as soon as possible so that the "grammar snowball" can grow!
Spanish- Ms. Rose reviewed the pattern that Spanish numbers follow in class today. They worked together to take logical steps through each set of ten. Afterward, the class worked on a review of previously learned terms using their workbook. They answered written questions, in Spanish, using the terms they have studied so far in class.
After lunch, I called in the students for a heart to heart. I had to praise them on their amazing job of meeting expectations of behavior in class. A while back, we raised the bar on respect for classmates and responsibility in academics. All of the students agree that everything has been "rainbows and ponies and marshmallow clouds" ever since! For the class to recognize the benefits of such an atmosphere is self-motivating. Everything just works more smoothly and is a whole lot more fun if each student steps up to the challenge! After patting them on the back for a job well done, I gave them a challenge. I explained to them that this level of respect, maturity, and responsibility should stretch beyond these walls. I discussed with them that this behavior is the same as they should be displaying at home, with parents and siblings. So often, students show a different (not so great) side at home. I challenged each of them to think of one area that they need to improve the most. It could be the way they treat a sibling. It could be showing disrespect to a parent. It could be a bad attitude toward schoolwork. Each student chose their own goal, which they wrote onto paper. I explained that a goal is more likely to be successful if they write it down! This is a personal challenge. It will not be discussed in class. However, I will discuss their challenge again next week and prompt them to think, and write, about their progress.
Social Studies-The class learned about the Gettysburg Address today. They read the speech and answered reading comprehension questions. Mr. Dennis has been working with the children on highlighting the key concepts in a passage. They are really catching on! Finally, they worked on a Gettysburg Address crossword puzzle. There are so many great new vocabulary words in this two minute speech!
Art- Ms. Nancy had a planned absence today, and I was able to fill in! In grammar class, we are studying the poem, Ozymandius. In art, we took the words from the poem that described the statue, writing each on the board. We wrote words that were used to describe the "shattered visage", the pedestal, and the "trunkless legs". After dissecting the poem, the students created the statue from clay. These mini-statues will be displayed in our poem recitation videos!
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