Grammar- We finished up the very last lesson in our grammar workbook today... and I made sure to point out that these were the same pages that the kids would flip ahead to and *gasp* at how hard they looked! Once you baby-step your way through any subject, topic, or skill, it is no longer hard, tricky, or scary. I simply love "First Language Lessons", and I am very excited to be moving ahead with "First Language Lessons 4" next year!
Handwriting- The class chose 3 spelling words from the board, written in print, and had to show me that they could write them in cursive as a "final handwriting check". We are going to continue to work on handwriting next year, as it is a skill that most of the kids still need to work on at this age!
Reading/Writing- The class spent a long time today working on their Hamlet summaries. Those children that have completed their summaries read them aloud to each other, making any needed changes. These will not have to be completely rewritten, but will be edited as necessary before the kids make their own personal videos of them presenting their unexpectedly enormous writing assignment!
Math- We learned about inches, feet, and yards today. Although most of the class knew how many inches were in a foot and how many feet were in a yard, they did not know how to add or subtract measurements that combined these. For instance, today they learned to add 2ft 8in + 1ft 6in. This was pretty difficult for many of them. Because of this, we created visual aids to manipulate until they grasped the concept. At first, we used index cards. The index cards represented a yard, or 3 feet. This helped with problems where they needed to figure out how many feet were in 6 yards, or in reverse problems, 7ft = ____ yds.
Once we grasped this concept and hit the workbooks, I realized that many still needed an easy visual aid to help them with the inches:feet:yards concept. We made strips of paper to represent yards, and each were divided into 3 sections. They wrote 1 foot = 12 inches in each section. They can use these strips to help them with their workbook pages, as needed. On Thursday, we will incorporate more visual aids with the metric system!
Science- Although it is not a science day, the class discussed the notecard activity that they completed at home. Each child read about the four physics terms that they studied. In addition, all of the students remembered to look up information on Sir Issac Newton! They came up, at different times, whispering to me what they learned about him, his life, his studies, and the 3 laws of motion. One thing was so interesting to me: the distinct differences in their focus. Some focused on Newton's laws and scientific contributions, some told anecdotes of his life, some gave me dates of his birth, death, and details of his raising. I love this. I love each and every unique and beautiful personality that makes up this class... and I really hope that I get to find out where each of these children use their gifts in the next 10, 15, 20 years and beyond!
Social Studies- The class is learning all about America's great journey to the West! They read about Texas and about "Remembering the Alamo". At home, they will be learning about the California Gold Rush and the Oregon Trail. Thursday will be our very last social studies lesson... where we will end our year of North American colonization and the formation of our nation, and start again in the fall with U.S. History: Civil War to the Present!
Music- Today was the last day of music class, and Mrs. Beresford tested each child on their musical knowledge. They went through their flash cards, individually showing her what they had learned! They all did a great job... and were able to answer things that I didn't even know they could! Next year, this group will be moving to an "advanced music" class, while we open a "beginning music" class for any newcomers, regardless of age. It's a wonderful, upbeat, Christ-centered way to learn the language of music!
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