Finally! We have been patiently waiting for a sunny day so that we could see how much our chicks have grown. Today, we took a hike over to the barnyard. Our little chicks have grown into medium sized chickens! We also checked out some newer chicks and learned the word “repurposing”. The kids were very familiar with the terms “reuse” and “recycle”, but “repurpose” was a new one for them. Sometimes, recycling can mean that materials are changed into a different material. Reporposing is when we take an unwanted item and use it for a different purpose. Our chicks are living in a brooder that is made from the repurposed camper shell of a truck. The unwanted camper shell makes for a perfect chicken shelter... keeping the wind and predators out and the chicks nice and warm!
Spelling- We went over list 20 and discussed each word. This seems to be an easier list for the kids than some previous lists!
Grammar- After a review of diagramming commands and direct objects, we learned how to diagram questions. The kids learned that the subject in a sentence isn't always at the beginning. Sometimes, it is in the middle! The sentence “Is Tommy sleeping?” has a helping verb, an action verb, and the subject. To help the students know how to diagram questions, they can rearrange the words into a statement. The sentence above can be rearranged into “Tommy is sleeping”. This may help them to recognize the verbs and the subject.
Math- We continued drilling multiplication lessons today. We reviewed the multiplication of numbers that end in “0”. (4x6=24 , 40x6=240 , 40x60=2400) We also expanded on our lessons of long multiplication as we learned how to regroup in multiplication. To help the student remember to ADD the carried number, I had them write a + sign before the number.
x 7
Social Studies- After a big review at home on the Southern, Middle, and New England Colonies, Mr. Dennis put the students' knowledge to the test! They had a sheet divided into three colonies. Mr. Dennis called out a phrase and the kids had to put each one in the right column (without looking at their notes)! It was tough, but the review was excellent!
Writing- We read through each rough draft today and made suggestions on how to revise and edit them. Each student has a rough draft that is covered in post-in note suggestions. At home tomorrow, each of them will make changes on their rough draft. They do not have to start on their final copies yet, but need to make any corrections (either on the the same paper, in the margins, or on another sheet of paper) so that they can easily write the finished product on Friday!
Art- Today, Ms. Nancy helped the kids to create a project using crayon shavings, wax paper, and an iron. They loved the results! Then, they continued their watercolor lesson. They learned how to paint wet on wet and wet on dry, as well as resistance and transparency properties. Their watercolor work will be made into little books for them to keep.
Music- In preparation for the recital, we will be having some extra group music practice during regular class time during the week. Make sure each child is practicing “In the Morning” as much as they can!
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