Spanish- After reviewing their at-home assignments, the class was given a new project. They will be working in groups to come up with their own skit, taking place in a Mexican restaurant! The kids were all very excited about this, and enthusiastically began working on the names of their restaurants, the storyline, the menus, and the props! This will be a long-term class project, so keep up the excitement!
Art- Ms. Nancy had planned to be out today, so I was able to be the art teacher! Instead of teaching a lesson that I was familiar with, I went out on a limb, asking myself, "What do I want to learn?" It wasn't hard for me to come up with an answer: needle felting. I have seen amazing needle felting projects online, and have wanted to give it a try. Today, the class and I learned together as we created a simple needle felting project. It wasn't easy, but some of the kids REALLY got the hang of it quickly! It was one of those projects that we didn't want to stop working on!
Social Studies- In social studies class, we continued to talk about the Vietnam War. After a reading activity and discussion, the class gathered around to watch part of the episode "The Vietnam War" of the CNN series, "The Cold War". Poster projects will be due next week!