What a beautiful fall day!
We finished up our lessons on environment and our planet today. Over the last few weeks, we have discussed weathering, erosion, soil, water, and landforms. Today, Mr. Zachary, a geologist, came and spoke to the class about rocks. They learned about different types of rocks, and how they are formed. The kids were able to see examples of different types of rocks, learning information about each one. I was very proud of the class for their attention and respectful behavior!

In Spanish class, Ms. Cindy continued to fill the room with songs, laughter, and fun! They sang songs, told stories, played Bingo, and worked on numbers during circle time. They worked on the verb 'gusta' through clapping and singing, as well! I absolutely love it when children learn without feeling like they are learning!
In art class, Ms. Nancy taught the class how to use chalk pastels. The children looked through Egyptian artwork, taking note of the profiles. The class then used chalk pastels to create their own!
In social studies, the class continued to work on their big World War II projects. They broke into their groups and discussed what needs to be done at home. I am looking forward to seeing some great videos and power point presentations!
After working in groups, the class gathered around as we began reading the Shakespeare for Kids book, Romeo and Juliet. We absolutely love these books, and I am excited to share this one with the class! We will be working on group projects, and reading through this book in class, during Mr. Dennis' vacation.